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What is silicol®gel?

silicol®gel is an oral gel containing colloidal silicic acid for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. Taken 3 times a day it helps manage symptoms and provides relief for gastrointestinal discomfort.

Its therapeutic action is due to the large and reactive surface of colloidal silicic acid and its ability to act as an adsorbent. After silicol®gel is swallowed, it forms a protective and soothing coating over the lining of the stomach and intestines. Due to the adsorptive and binding qualities of colloidal silicic acid, it physically attracts and adsorbs irritants, toxins and pathogens.

This renders them harmless so that they can be removed and passed through, as the body empties naturally. Silicic acid can also bind gases and reduce excess acidity.

Who can use silicol®gel?

silicol®gel is suitable for adults and children over 12 who are suffering from any of the following gastrointestinal disorders; stomach pain, abdominal discomfort, flatulence, reflux, nausea and heartburn.

To treat gastrointestinal disorders, take one tablespoon (15ml) of silicol®gel three times daily, an hour before mealtimes. After acute symptoms ease, treatment is recommended for another few days. For chronic conditions, treat for up to four weeks and then take a break to re-assess symptoms.

Due to the large and reactive surface of colloidal silicic acid and its binding capacity, you should take the certified Medical Device, silicol®gel with a gap of at least 1 hour before or after the intake of medicines. Otherwise their effect could be impaired. Please follow on pack advice.

How can silicol®gel help me?

Gastrointestinal disorders are very often caused by irritants, toxins and pathogens. When the stomach or intestines are disturbed by such toxins and irritants, this can cause the digestive tract to malfunction. This can then lead to unpleasant symptoms.

‘silicol®gel has changed my life 100% for the better’
— Helen Moore

Click to read full testimonial

‘I now feel as if I have control over my condition like never before’
— David Holbrook

Click to read full testimonial



Mode of action

  1. silicol®gel coats the stomach and gastrointestinal tract with a protective lining
  2. The particles act ‘like a magnet’ attracting irritants, toxins and pathogens, binding them to the gel
  3. During this process the silicol®gel particles also adsorb excess acidity and gases
  4. When the stomach empties naturally these molecules are passed through the body

silicol®gel contains silicic acid which is a compound of silicon and oxygen, the two most abundant elements on earth. Products containing silicic acid are widely used to treat gastrointestinal complaints and are an established therapy across much of Europe.

The particles in silicol®gel provide a huge reactive surface area equivalent to hundreds of square metres per gram of liquid. A little goes a long way!

The unique manufacturing process to form a colloidal gel ensures an even distribution of silicic acid particles for best performance.

silicol®gel can be taken undiluted or mixed in water.

silicol®gel is a certified Medical Device (Class II a) conforming to EU directive 93/42/EEC, and is produced in Germany by  Silicol GmbH, D-33719.

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silicol®gel is a certified Medical Device (Class II a) conforming to EU directive 93/42/EEC, and is produced in Germany by Silicol GmbH, D-33719.